What causes joint pain?

knee pain

Joint pain is not just a problem for the older generation. Young people are often confronted with this. In some cases, analgesics are saved from unpleasant symptoms, in others medication is required and in the most difficult cases the help of a surgeon is required.

Causes of joint pain

The causes of joint pain can be both mechanical and contagious. After an injury, no one is surprised by the pain when moving. But when pain occurs for no apparent reason, the patient does not understand how to act to get rid of the problem.

However, a bacterial infection can cause pain. When pathogens enter the synovial fluid, they invade nearby soft tissues. An infection can enter a joint in several ways:

  • As a result of the prosthesis, due to poor quality sterilization of materials.
  • Due to the deep tissue damage in skin infections.
  • After any surgery performed in violation of the rules of antiseptic treatment.

In addition to bacteria, the joint is also threatened by fungi. These microorganisms also enter the synovial fluid as a result of infection received during surgery.

Few people associate stomach ailments or bladder damage with knee or elbow pain. However, there is a connection. When the gastrointestinal tract is affected by a bacterial infection, toxins and colonies of microorganisms enter the bloodstream and move through the body through the bloodstream. Some of them are deposited in the joint cavity. The common risks are:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • urinary tract disorders;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • red;
  • angina;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • pneumonia.

This suggests that inappropriate treatment of infectious diseases can lead to more serious consequences than one might imagine. For example, a delayed sore throat or a patient's refusal to take prescription antibiotics can lead to disability. This is because streptococcus, which causes angina, is recognized by the immune system in the same way as cells from the heart valves and intra-articular tissue. If antibiotic therapy is not used as the main treatment, the immune system itself will destroy the joint tissue, fighting the infection.

Viral infections also affect the joints. These are diseases such as:

  • red;
  • Hepatitis C?
  • Hepatitis B;
  • herpes.

Mankind has not yet invented a proven effective drug that would fight viruses. The only exception is the drug Acyclovir, which is effective against the herpes virus. Other diseases of viral etiology can only be defeated by human immunity. To protect yourself from infections that can damage joint tissue, you can arm your immune system with vaccinations. Mandatory diarrhea includes vaccinations against rubella and hepatitis.

How to relieve pain

As symptomatic treatment of joint pain, orthopedists prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In case of unbearable pain, you will need to visit a specialist who will prevent it. This is a procedure that allows you to insert anesthesia into the joint itself and into the area of nerve endings near the root. But this solution to the problem is temporary. After 10-16 hours, the patient's condition will return to its original position.

What does the stinging in the joints say?

Joint stinging can be caused by a number of reasons. On the one hand, the crease indicates that the intra-articular substrate is depleted as a result of a violation of the water-salt balance. On the other hand, the individual squeak that can be heard when the joint bends or extends to its extreme position is the sound caused by gas bubbles popping into the joint fluid.

If there is constant creasing during movement, you must reduce the load on the moving part. It is best to eliminate the cause through the office of an orthopedic traumatologist. Taking the advertised drugs on your own will not only not help, but it can also hurt. X-rays will show the condition of the bones and cartilage. If it turns out to be exhausted, individual recommendations will be given. If, with the developed cartilage, you independently block the pain with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it will only be possible to reduce the tenderness in the joint while you continue to exploit it. Over time, the thin cartilage becomes the cause of inflammation of the intra-articular tissue, which will lead to joint disease.

Arthritis or arthritis

For those who do not have medical education or do not have personal problems with bones and joints, two concepts: arthritis and arthropathy seem to be exactly the same. The similarity of the names is explained by the fact that all diseases related to the joints have the root "art". The suffix "this" speaks of an inflammatory process. This can be seen in other terms: rhinitis - inflammation of the sinuses, bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi. Otitis media - an inflammation of the ear. At the same time, the term does not talk about the causes of inflammation, which means that it can not be a diagnosis. Bronchitis, for example, can be both viral and bacterial. This means that the treatment tactics in both cases are completely different. Arthritis is inflammation in a joint without a description of the cause.

Arthropathy is a disease in which the articular cartilage is affected. Long-term unexplored arthritis sooner or later leads to arthritis. Inflammatory processes in the joint disrupt the metabolism, due to which the tissues do not receive proper nutrition and become thinner. Therefore, cartilage tissue destruction occurs.

Prevention of joint diseases

Proper nutrition ensures the health of all body systems. Adequate protein, calcium, iron and vitamins allow you to supply cartilage tissue, ligaments, synovial fluid and bone with everything you need.

In addition, an active lifestyle will keep the muscles in good shape, thanks to which they provide additional support for the whole skeleton in general and the joints in particular. And to protect yourself from dangerous viral infections that affect the joints, you need to be vaccinated early.